Mastering Mern Stack (WEB DEVELOPMENT)
About Course
Welcome to our comprehensive MERN Stack course! If you’re eager to delve into the dynamic world of web development, you’re in the right place. Our course is designed to take you on an immersive journey from foundational HTML and CSS skills to advanced JavaScript techniques, culminating in mastery of the MERN Stack – MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
With over 12+ hands-on projects, including clones of popular platforms like Amazon and Instagram, you’ll gain invaluable practical experience as you build real-world applications from scratch. Our expert instructors will guide you through every step of the development process, from conceptualizing and designing user interfaces to implementing powerful backend functionalities.
By the end of this course, you’ll not only have a solid understanding of web development principles but also the confidence to deploy your projects to the web for the world to see. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your skillset, our MERN Stack course is your gateway to unlocking endless opportunities in the ever-evolving field of web development.
Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a proficient MERN Stack developer!
What Will You Learn?
- Master the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building responsive and SEO-friendly web pages.
- Explore advanced JavaScript concepts to enhance interactivity and optimize performance in web applications.
- Dive into the MERN Stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js - to develop robust and scalable full-stack web applications.
- Gain hands-on experience by creating over 12 projects, including clones of popular platforms like Amazon and Instagram, to sharpen your development skills.
- Learn best practices for deploying your projects to the web, ensuring accessibility, performance, and search engine visibility.
- Acquire the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a successful career as a MERN Stack developer in today's competitive job market.
Course Content
Introduction to Web Development
Internet Basics
Understanding Client-Server Architecture
Overview of Web Development
What happens when you visit a webpage
Setting up a Development Environment
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTML Basics (What, why and how)
What are HTML Tags?
HTML Tags and Elements
Heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
br tag
hr tag
Attributes (name, id, class, style)
Anchor tag (a)
Ordered list and type (ol)
Unordered list (ul)
List items
Displaying Images (img)
Displaying Videos (video)
Embedding another website or its portion into your page (iframe)
Creating Tables (table, thead, th, tr, td, tbody, tfooter)
Creating Forms (form)
Filling forms with inputs
Input type: text
Input type: number
Input type: checkbox
Input type: radio
Input type: file
Input type: button
Inline and Block elements (div VS span and more)
Semantic and non semantic tags (header, footer, etc / div, p, etc)
Importing/including content from other sources using link, script
HTML5 Features
Table Exercise Homework
Make a Login Form : Homework
Design Travel Reservation Form: Homework
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Basics
CSS Basics
Different ways to write CSS: class
Different ways to write CSS: id
Different ways to write CSS: inline
Text and Font Styles
Box Model and Layout
CSS Selectors
CSS Combinators
Pseudo classes
Pseudo elements
Display property
Units: px vs em vs rem
Revive this dead HTML Page: Homework
CSS Advanced
Transformations: translate
Transformations: scale
Transformations: rotate
Transformations: skew
The Flexbox!
Responsive Design with Media Queries
CSS Preprocessors
CSS Frameworks
CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap
CSS Frameworks: Tailwind CSS
CSS Best Practices
Creating these transforms: Homework
Getting started with JavaScript (JS)
Introduction and history of JavaScript
Where to start from and experiment
Which IDEs to use for optimal productivity
Fundamentals of JavaScript
Basic JS syntax
Data types
Variables: let, const and var
Stepping up with JavaScript
Basic JS syntax and data types
Control flow (if statements, loops)
Functions: Legacy
Functions: arrow
Functions: function expression
Functions: IIFE
Arrays: common methods (length, slice, splice, concat, reverse)
Arrays: map, reduce and filter
Objects: Deep copy
Objects: Shallow copy
Maps and Sets
ES6 features (let/const vs var, arrow functions, promises, async/await)
Understanding and playing with DOM (Document Object Model)
Introduction to DOM
DOM manipulation (Dynamically changing the UI)
Event listeners in JS
Event handling (onclick)
Event handling (onsubmit)
Event handling (onmouseover)
Event bubbling
Event capturing
Fetching data in JS
AJAX and Fetch API
Sending and receiving payload
HTTP headers
Timing Events in JS
Invoke an alert box after 3 seconds: Homework
Create seconds counter with play and pause functionality: Homework
Advanced JavaScript
Callbacks and Promises
Higher Order Functions
Asynchronous JavaScript
Modules and import/export
Creating the TODO App: Homework
JS Project
Weather App
Ticket Management Application
Frontend with React
Introduction to React
SPAs vs MPAs
How react works?
JSX and Rendering Elements
Components and Props
State and Lifecycle Methods
React Hooks!
React Hooks: useEffect
React Hooks: useState
React Hooks: useMemo
React Hooks: useCallback
React Hooks: useRef
Make custom hooks
Handling Events
Conditional Rendering
Lists and Keys
Forms in React
Lifting State Up
Composition vs Inheritance
React Router
ContextAPI vs Redux
ContextAPI for State Management
Redux for State Management
Redux Toolkit
Connecting React with Express
Adding libraries to your React App!
Axios for API calls
Styled components
Recreating a TODO App: Homework
Add redux to the TODO app: Homework
Styling with React
Global scoped
Inline styling
Component scoped CSS
Styled components
Styled components: dynamic styling
Component Lifecycle in React
What is Component Lifecycle?
Mounting Phase
Side effects
Introduction to Node.js
Introduction to Node.js and NPM (How nodejs works, why is it required)
Learn how to install libraries and use them
Create a server
Modules in Node.js
What are modules?
Filesystem and path modules
npm, nvm and nodemon
HTTP module
events in Node.js
Create your own module
Introduction to express.js
Understanding Express.js
Request types
Creating APIs with Express
Introduction to REST APIs
Routing with Express.js (Make your first route!)
Controllers in Express.js (Handle your first route request!)
Middleware in Express.js (Protect your routes, mutate/modify requests on go!)
Error Handling
Building a REST API with Express.js
File uploading
Session and Cookies
Query params
Data Storage with MongoDB
Introduction to Databases
Introduction to MongoDB (What is MongoDB (NoSQL DB), what are document based databases?)
CREATE Operation
READ Operation
UPDATE Operation
DELETE Operation
Integrating MongoDB with Node.js (connecting your database to your backend)
Introduction to Mongoose
Data Modeling and Validation with Mongoose
Stitching all together: Understanding MERN Stack
Overview of MERN Stack
Setting up the Development Environment (Using VSCode)
Managing the structure
Understanding the connection state
Sending payload
Handling payload
MERN project
Git and GitHub
Introduction to Version Control
Git Basics
Branching and Merging
Collaborating on GitHub
Introduction to Deployment and Hosting
Deployment of MERN applications
Google Summer of Code
What is Open Source?
How Open Source helps you as a developer?
What is Google Summer of Code?
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