Data Dive: Unveiling the Secrets of Databases

What is Database

The term Database might sound familiar to many. We might have to interact with the Databases in our daily life. For example, when you use gmail, all of your data is stored in the Database. So what exactly is Database?

Database consists of two words which are Data and Base.
Data simply means any kind of raw, unprocessed facts or information. For eg. any kind of number, name, image, audio, video etc. In technical terms, a piece of information that can be translated into a form for efficient processing is called Data. Data is interchangeable information. Base is simply a place where we store data.
So, Database is something where we can store data.

A database is an organized collection of data stored in a computer system. Now, to maintain this data, we need a system, which is called a DataBase Management System. It is a tool to handle and manage the data stored in the DataBase. The data in DataBase is generally stored in the forms of tables making the processing of the data more efficient.

Now, to manage the data in the DBMS (DataBase Management System), we write certain queries. Commonly, SQL (Structured Query Language) is used for data querying and writing. We can manage all the data within a database using SQL.

Databases are an essential part of our life. We use Databases whenever we have to store a large chunk of data. For eg. railway system, school, ecommerce websites etc, uses the Database because they have to store a large chunk of data.

In a Database, data is organized into tables, consisting of rows and columns and it is indexed so that data can be updated and deleted easily.

Evolution of the database

Databases have evolved a lot since they were introduced in the early 1960s. Navigational databases such as the hierarchical database (which is based on a tree-like model and allowed only a one-to-many relationship), and the network database (a more flexible model that allowed multiple relationships), were the original systems used to store and manipulate data. These systems were simple but inflexible. In the 1980s, relational databases became popular, followed by object-oriented databases in the 1990s. More recently, NoSQL databases came about as a response to the growth of the internet and the need for faster speed and processing of unstructured data.

Database vs Spreadsheet

Both Databases and spreadsheets (for eg. Microsoft Excel) are convenient and effective ways to store information. The primary differences between these two is the way data is stored and manipulated, accessing the data and the amount of data that can be stored.

Spreadsheets were originally designed for one user. They’re great for a single user or small number of users who don’t need to do a lot of complex data manipulation. Databases, on the other hand, are designed to hold a larger chunk of organized information—massive amounts, sometimes. Databases allow multiple users at the same time to quickly and securely access and query the data.

Types of DataBase

There are different kinds of Databases:

  1. Relational Database – In relational databases, data is stored in the form of tables under rows and columns. Accessing the data is easy because of the structured format made using the tables.
  2. Non-Relational Databases – Non-relational databases or No-SQL Databases allow the unstructured or semi structured data. Unlike the relational database, accessing data is comparatively hard because of data being stored in a non structured or semi structured format.
  3. Object-Oriented Databases – Similar to object-oriented programming, data is stored and represented as objects.
  4. Distributed Databases – When there are multiple files which are shared across multiple locations, Distributed Databases are used. This database can be set up in one place or can be kept across several computers as well.
  5. Data Warehouse – A data warehouse is a kind of central repository for all the data. It is created for quick query and analysis.
  6. Graph Databases – A graph database stores the data using the entities and their relationships. It is used to create and manage graphs. Graphs containing nodes, edges and other properties are used to store data in a way relational databases are unable to do so.
  7. OLTP Database – An OLTP database is used to handle a lot of queries/transactions from different users at once. It is a quick and analytical database.
  8. Cloud database – A collection of either organized or unorganized data that is based on a private, public or hybrid cloud platform are known as a cloud database.

What is DBMS?

DBMS (Database Management System) provides an interface for handling and managing the Database more efficiently. It is a tool/software which allows users to update and modify the data easily.
-> It provides an interface for operations like create, read, update, delete etc.
->It allows users to create the database as per their requirement.
-> It helps secure the data.

Database Challenges

Below are some points which show why Databases are very crucial and the challenges faced in them.

  1. Substantial jump in the amount of data. Database administrators are constantly trying to manage and organize the company’s growing data.
  2. Data breaching and security. These days, data is very crucial for an organization. Hence, securing and protecting the data is also very
    important where DBMS come into picture.
  3. Making data access more efficient. Companies require real time access to their data to support various companies strategies and to seize new opportunities.
  4. Managing the infrastructure of the Database. Continuous maintenance, software upgradation, monitoring etc are required to maintain the database.

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