DSA, High & Low Level System Designs
Welcome to our institution, where we offer a transformative course focusing on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Low-Level Design (LLD), and High-Level Design (HLD). Our program is crafted to equip you with essential skills in software engineering, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
22 LPA
Average Package
Salary Hike
83 LPA
Highest Package
What I will learn?
- Master essential data structures like arrays, linked lists, and trees to optimize code efficiency.
- Understand basic and advanced algorithms, including dynamic programming and graph algorithms, for diverse problem domains.
- Gain confidence in implementing algorithms and data structures through practical hands-on exercises
- Develop problem-solving skills through solving over 400 meticulously crafted coding challenges.
- Learn effective strategies for tackling coding interviews and excelling in competitive programming competitions.
- Benefit from 24*7 doubt support, ensuring continuous guidance and assistance throughout your learning journey.
Material Includes
85+ Live Classes & Recordings
24/7 Live Doubt Support
400+ DSA Practice Questions
HackerRank Tests & Topic wise Quizzes
Case Studies
Access to Global Peer Community
Lifetime Support
About Course
Welcome to our institution, where we offer a transformative course focusing on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Low-Level Design (LLD), and High-Level Design (HLD). Our program is crafted to equip you with essential skills in software engineering, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
Led by experienced instructors, you'll delve into the core principles of DSA, mastering algorithms and problem-solving techniques. Additionally, you'll learn to translate high-level requirements into detailed system designs with LLD, and explore architectural aspects of software design with HLD.
Through hands-on projects and real-world case studies, you'll gain the expertise needed to excel in the dynamic field of software engineering. Join us and embark on a journey to unlock your potential in software design and development.
Course Curriculum
Data Structures & Algorithms
Number Theory
Number of Common Factors
Add Two Integers
Product of factors of number
Repeating GCD
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Prime Numbers and Primality Check
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Binary Exponentiation
Modulo Arithmetic
Inverse Modulo
nCr Computations using inverse modulo
Find all factorial numbers less than or equal to N
GCD, LCM and Distributive Property
Product of Prime Factors
Find Prime numbers in a range
HackerRank Test
Plus One
Power of Four
Excel Sheet Column Title
Reverse Integer
Factorial Trailing Zeroes
Fibonacci Number
Palindrome Number
Check If It Is a Straight Line
Count Days Spent Together
Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits
Day of the Year
Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer
Prime Arrangements
HackerRank Test
Bit Manipulation
Single Number
XOR Operation in an Array
Sum of All Subset XOR totals
Convert a number to hexadecimal
Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation
Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
XOR Queries of a Subarray
Total Hamming Distance
Single Number II
Find Sum Of Different Corresponding Bits For All Pairs
Divide Two Integers
Bitwise ORs of Subarrays
HackerRank Test
Searching (Beginner)
Binary Search
Intersection of Two Array II
Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
Check if Array is Sorted and Rotated
Rotate String
Find Peak Element
Single Element in a Sorted Array
Minimum Swaps to Sort
Matrix Median
Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Minimum Size Subarray Sum
Maximum Height Of The Staircase
Median Of Two Sorted Arrays
HackerRank Test
Searching (Advanced)
Reach a Number
Most Profit Assigning Work
Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays
Plates between Candles
Aggressive Cows
Smallest Good Base
Allocate Books
Nth Magical Number
Painters Partition Problem
Matrix Search
Rotate Image
Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array
HackerRank Test
Fibonacci Number
Power of Four
Merge Two Sorted Lists
Power of Two
All Unique Permutations
Combination Sum
Combination Sum ii
Gray Code
Subsets ii
Permutation Sequence
Find the Winner of the Circular Game
HackerRank Test
Sum of All Subset XOR Totals
Binary Watch
Letter Tile Possibilities
Generate Parantheses
Unique Paths III
Permutations II
Number Of Squareful Arrays
Palindrome Partitioning
Gray Code
N-Queens II
Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences
HackerRank Test
Sorting (Beginner)
Third Largest Number
Sort Array By Parity II
How Many Numbers are smaller than the current Number?
Fair Candy Swap
K Closest Points to Origin
Maximum Difference
Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements
Number of sextuplets
Corporate Flight Bookings
Chocolate Distribution Problem
Sum Special Triplets Elements 3 Arrays
Find Right Interval
HackerRank Test
Sorting (Advanced)
Find the Distance value between Two Arrays
Merge Similar items
Split with Minimum Sum
Sort Even and Odd Indices Independently
Count of smaller numbers after self
Count of Range Sum
Reverse pairs
Lexicographically largest permutation of the array such that a[i] = a[i-1] + gcd(a[i-1], a[i-2])
Possible Arrangement Of Persons Waiting To Sit In A Hall
Inversion count in an array
Max Chunks To Make Sorted II
Reducing Dishes
HackerRank Test
Two Pointer
Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
Is Subsequence?
Check if N and its Double exist
Squares of a Sorted Array
Count of pairs with the given sum
Minimum Size Subarray Sum
Minimize the absolute difference
Smallest sequence with given Primes
Container With Most Water
Given Two Sorted Arrays Number X Find Pair Whose Sum Closest X
Counting Triangles
Trapping Rain Water
Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition
HackerRank Test
Hashing (Beginner)
Two Sum
Find the Difference
Fair Candy Swap
Maximum Number of Ballons
Subarray with 0 sum
Subarray Sum Equals K
Largest Continuous Sequence Zero Sum
Longest Consecutive Sequence
Valid Sudoku
00:00 -
Set Matrix Zeros
Find Pairs In Array Whose Sums Already Exist In Array
HackerRank Test
Hashing (Advanced)
Check if N and its Double exist
How many Numbers are Smaller than the current number
Sum of Unique Elements
Decode the Message
Palindrome Pairs
Window String
Longest Substring Without Repeat
Points on same line
Count Right Triangles
Diffk ii
Grid Illumination
Find rectangle with corners as 1
Random Pick with Blacklist
Repeated Substring Pattern
Valid Palindrome II
Find Common characters
Check if a word occurs as a Prefix of any word in a sentence
Day of the Year
Longest Common Prefix
Compare Version Numbers
Compare Version Numbers
Reverse the String
Implement Strstr
Integer To Roman
Roman To Integer
Pretty Json
HackerRank Test
Valid Parentheses
Next Greater Element I
Number of Students unable to eat Lunch
Remove all Adjacent Duplicates in String
Evaluate Expression
Min Stack
Largest Rectangle in Histogram
Trapping Rain Water
Nearest Smaller Element
Brace Expansion II
Maximal Rectangle
Stack Operations Quiz
HackerRank Test
Implement Stack using Queues
First Unique Character in a String
Implement Queue using Stacks
Time needed to Buy Tickets
Sum of min and max
Reversing the first K elements of a Queue
N integers containing only 1, 2 & 3
Gas Station
Sliding Window Maximum
Given A String Find Its First Non Repeating Character
Max Value of Equation
Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K
HackerRank Test
Linked List (Beginner)
Merge Two Sorted Lists
Palindrome Linked List
Intersection of Two Linked Lists
Middle of the Linked List
Remove Nth Node From End of List
List Cycle
Reverse Linked List Ii
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
HackerRank Test
Linked List (Advanced)
Design Hashmap
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
Linked List Cycle
Merge Two Sorted Lists
Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
Clone a Linked List
Intersection of Linked Lists
Remove Duplicates From Sorted List ii
Remove Duplicates From Sorted List
Length Longest Palindrome List Linked List Using O(1) Extra Space
Design a Text Editor
Trees (Beginner)
Same Tree
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
Binary Tree From Inorder And Postorder
Balanced Binary Tree
Check Tree Traversal
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
Construct Binary Tree From Preorder And Inorder Traversal
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
HackerRank Test
Trees (Intermediate)
Symmetric Tree
Invert Binary Tree
Binary Tree Tilt
Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree
Vertical Order traversal
Binary Tree Right Side View
Sum Tree
2-Sum Binary Tree
Boundary Traversal Of Binary Tree
Add One Row to Tree
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Trees & BST
Convert Sorted Array to BST
Find Mode in BST
Minimum Absolute difference in BST
Two Sum IV – Input is a BST
Search in a BST
Kth Largest Element in a Stream
Recover Binary Search Tree
Sorted Array To Balanced BST
BST Iterator
Left view of binary tree
Least Common Ancestor
Invert the Binary Tree
Valid Binary Search Tree
Binary Tree to CDLL
Sum Root To Leaf Numbers
Symmetric Binary Tree
Identical Binary Trees
Path Sum
BST (Advanced)
Minimum Distance between BST nodes
Increasing order BST
Range Sum of BST
Leaf nodes from Preorder of a Binary Search Tree
Odd even level difference
Minimum Distance between Nodes of BST
Boundary Traversal Of Binary Tree
2sum Binary Tree
Binary Tree Paths
All Nodes Distance K In Binary Tree
Take Gifts from the Richest Pile
Delete greatest value in each row
Make Array zero by Subtracting equal amounts
Minimum amount of time to fill cups
N max pair combinations
Kth Largest Element in an Array
Merge k Sorted Lists
B Closest Points to Origin
Ways To Form Max Heap
Kth Largest Element In An Array
Magician And Chocolates
Sliding Window Median
HackerRank Test
Largest Perimeter Triangle
Longest Palindrome
Maximum Sum with exactly K elements
Minimum Moves to convert string
Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations
Assign Mice to Holes
Meeting rooms
Job Sequencing Problem
Task Scheduler
Kth Smallest Element In A Sorted Matrix
Minimum Number of Refueling Stops
Reducing Dishes
Dynamic Programming (Beginner)
Pascal’s Triangle
Best time to Buy and Sell Stock
Fibbonacci Number
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
House Robber
Climbing Stairs
Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence
Min Jumps Array
Coins in a Line
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Tiling A Rectangle With The Fewest Squares
Max Sum Without Adjacent Elements
Dynamic Programming (Intermediate)
Pascal’s Triangle II
Counting Bits
Is Subsequence?
Perfect Squares
Minimum cost for tickets
Min Sum Path in Matrix
Longest Palindromic Subsequence
Longest Common Subsequence
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Unique Paths In A Grid
Coin Sum Infinite
Coins In A Line
Regular Expression Matching
Dynamic Programming (Advanced)
Divisor Game
N-th Tribonacci Number
Get Maximum in Generated Array
Predict the Winner
Maximum length of Pair Chain
Longest String chain
Minimum Time to make Rope colorful
Nth Fibbonacci Number
Get Maximum in Generated Array
Divisor Game
Edit Distance
Word Break
Regular Expression Matching
Regular Expression ii
Interleaving String
Palindrome Partitioning II
Longest Palindromic Substring
Matrix chain multiplication
Unique Binary Search Trees ii
Tushars Birthday Party
Distinct Subsequences
Evaluate Expression To True
Russian Doll Envelopes
Word Break II
Palindrome Partitioning II
Word Break
Graph (Beginner)
Find if Path exists in Graph
Find Center of Star Graph
Island Perimeter
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
Rotting Oranges
Capture Regions on Board
Black Shapes
Frog Position After T Seconds
Smallest Multiple With 0 And 1
Number Of Islands
Jump Game IV
Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes
Graph (Advanced)
Min Cost to Connect All points
Find All Possible recipes from Given Supplies
All Ancestos of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph
Number of Provinces
Possibility of finishing all courses given pre-requisites
Commutable Islands
Knight On Chess Board
Word Ladder I
Word Ladder II
Is Graph Bipartite?
Longest Common Prefix
Shortest Unique Prefix
Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
Subarrays Xor Less Than B
Distinct Echo Substrings
Concatenated Words
Segment Tree
Good Ranges
Falling Squares
Bob and Queries
Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence
Range Frequency Queries
Low Level System Design
Low Level Design (Basic Building Blocks)
Solid Principles
Single Responsibility Principle
Open closed Principle
Dependency Inversion Principle
Liskov’s substitution Principle
Interface Segregation Principle
Creational Design Patterns
Abstract Factory
Structural Design Patterns
Behavioural Design Patterns
LLD Topics
Pizza factory
SQL Query builder
Introduction & Class Diagram
03:02 -
Code Part 01
10:45 -
Singleton Logger
02:39 -
Code Part 02
Car Price Calculator
Car Price Calculator LLD Chapter 1
00:00 -
Car Price Calculator LLD Chapter 2
00:00 -
Car Price Calculator LLD Chapter 3
00:00 -
Car Price Calculator LLD Chapter 4
00:00 -
Car Price Calculator LLD Chapter 5
Weather Station
Ticket management system
Introduction To Ticket Management System
Payment processor
Payment Processor LLD Chapter 1
02:47 -
Payment Processor LLD Chapter 2
00:00 -
Payment Processor LLD Chapter 3
00:00 -
Payment Processor LLD Chapter 4
Elevator System
Car parking
Introduction Video
00:55 -
Use Case Diagram
03:44 -
Class Diagram
06:07 -
Class Diagram continued
05:30 -
00:00 -
Parking Service
08:00 -
Discussion on Parking Spots and Parking Service
00:00 -
Activity Diagram
00:00 -
Coding Part 1
34:45 -
How to add Logging in the system
00:00 -
Coding Part 2 (Adding Logging in the system)
00:00 -
Implementing Parking pots using Decorator Design pattern
02:35 -
Coding Part 3
Social media
00:00 -
Introduction to Paypal
Data Modelling
High Level Design
High Level Design ( Building Blocks )
What is HLD?
Consistent Hashing
Load Balancing
CAP Theorem
Redundancy and Replication
Data Partitioning
Long Polling and WebSockets
Use Cases
Rate Limiter
Rate Limiting Algorithms
Considerations for Implementation
Typeahead suggestion (Google queries)
Introduction to Typeahead Suggestion
Introduction to Dropbox
Frontend: System Architecture
Backend : System Architecture
Database: System Architecture
Cache: System Architecture
Content delivery network (CDN): System Architecture
Data Modelling
Scalability and reliability
Sequence Diagram & Services Details
Introduction To Uber/Ola
What is Pastebin?
Student Ratings & Reviews
and we will not need to switch our focus on making notes manually.
The teaching style and flow were perfect, and I hope the structure stays the same throughout the course—it’s constructive!
A little humble request to SDE tean to share the doubt classes link a little prior on whatsapp or any other comunication channel.
Thanks Arun.
I would highly recommend the course.
Our Instructors

Arun Goel
Arun is currently an SDE 2 at Atlassian and a former engineer at Samsung headquarters, graduating from DTU . He has mentored over 10,000 students, leveraging his deep understanding of data structures and algorithms alongside hands-on experience in system design.

Vinamer Goel
Vinamer is a Senior Software Engineer at Amazon, with experience at Expedia and OLX. He focuses on teaching Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and system design, having mentored over 5,000 students.

Shubham Mondal
Shubham is an SDE 2 at Mastercard and a graduate of IIT Kharagpur. With extensive experience in software development, he is passionate about teaching and mentoring. He specializes in programming concepts, Data Structures, and Algorithms, making complex topics easy to understand.

Rajendra Dhani
Raj is an SDE 2 at Apollo.io with 6 years of software development experience. Known for his calm demeanor, he excels in teaching complex topics with patience and clarity.

Kartikeya Gupta
Kartikeya is an SDE 2 at Lowe India, with a strong commitment to mentoring and education. He has guided over 5,000 students in software development, focusing on key areas like Data Structures, Algorithms, and system design.

Nishant Singhal
Nishant is a dedicated mentor who successfully completed Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and has also mentored GSoC students. He guides aspiring developers in open-source projects, sharing his expertise and passion for technology.

Weekly schedule
Core Sessions
Live, hands-on, activity-led sessions conducted by the instructor
Sat, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM (IST)
Sun, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM (IST)
Doubt Sessions
Live, hands-on, activity-led sessions conducted by the instructor
Mon-Fri, 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM (IST)
What You Will Get Post Completion Of Your Program

Resume Building
Create a powerful, job-winning resume that highlights your skills and maximizes your chances of securing top tech roles.
Linkedin Profile Building
Optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract recruiters, showcase expertise, and unlock new career opportunities in tech.

Mock Interviews
Gain confidence with expert-led mock interviews, personalized feedback, and real-world interview scenarios.
Enhance your job search with strong industry referrals, connecting you to exclusive opportunities at top tech companies.

Pay in Installments – Flexible & Hassle-Free Payment Options

DSA, High & Low Level System Designs
Welcome to our institution, where we offer a transformative course focusing on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Low-Level Design (LLD), and High-Level Design (HLD). Our program is crafted to equip you with essential skills in software engineering, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
Total Enrolled440
Duration250 hours
CertificateCertificate of completion
- Lifetime Access
- 85+ Live Classes & Recordings
- 400+ DSA Practice Questions
- 64+ Downloadable Resources
- Case Studies
- Interview Prep Material
- Continuous Updates